Are you looking at applying for a new firearm licence and/or renewing your existing firearm licence? Van der Merwe Attorneys can assist in guiding you through the complex Firearms Control Act. The Firearms Control Act requires applicants to go through various steps to comply with the law in order to obtain a firearm licence(s) or renew your existing firearm licence(s). The process can seem overwhelming and confusing if you have not been through it before. We want to assist you in making the firearm licensing process as smooth and as simple as possible. We do not want you struggling with going to and from your local police station looking for forms and trying to obtain the correct information. If forms, documentation and your motivation are not correct you run the risk of being shown away by your local SAPS. We want to assist in avoiding this inconvenience.
We can assist with the following: competency applications, firearm licence applications, motivations for firearm licence applications and renewal applications of existing firearm licence(s) (please note this is not applicable to applicants whose firearm licence(s) have already expired).